For 2024/25 the surcharge has been confirmed at 1.8p. For the first time there is a separate lower surcharge of 1.6p for small properties (RV below £51,000).
Year | UBR surcharge |
2024-25 | 1.8p* |
2023-24 | 1.4p |
2022-23 | 1.2p |
2020-22 | 0.8p |
2019-20 | 0.6p |
2016-19 | 0.5p |
* 1.6p for small properties RV below £51,000
From 1 April 2023, all properties in London with assessments above Rateable Value (RV) £75,000 pay a Business Rates Supplement for Crossrail of 2p per £ RV.