Sectors Public Sector shutterstock 2485849983

UK Public Sector

There is an increased appetite for public sector bodies and organisations to support and deliver jobs and homes in the UK. Against a backdrop of recent cutbacks, Government currently has high expectations and plans to invest significantly in services and infrastructure.

Our public sector team has advised over 250 central and local Government organisations, giving us a strong understanding of the financial, economic and legislative frameworks under which the public sector operates.

Issues we advise on include development, planning, valuation, viability, rates, affordable housing and partnership working. Drawing on our broad experience base and trusted advisor relationships, we provide an innovative and consultative approach.

In addition to our work with central and local Government, we are a leading real estate advisor to both public and private clients in the Education (including universities) and Health sectors (including the NHS) and have considerable experience in dealing with portfolios of complex, ‘specialised’ properties.

In recognition of our experience and resources, we have been appointed on multiple frameworks including:

  • Crown Commercial Service (Estates Professional Services Framework) as a national supplier
  • Homes England (Property Professional Services Framework)
  • Transport for London (Property Development and Consultancy Framework)
  • Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (Estates Management Professional Services Framework)
  • Procure Public (Employers Agent and Quantity Surveyors Framework
  • Contract Administrator and Project Managers Framework)

Key Contacts

Adam Pappini

Development Advisory

Richard Ayres

Operational Real Estate (OPRE)

Andrew Altman

Business Rates

Mike McChesney

Head of Asset Managament