I’m with our Minerals department based in Leeds. I specialise in the Minerals and Waste sector and advise operators, landlords and lending institutions in this and related industry sectors.
I am a Chartered Minerals Surveyor and joined the team here at Gerald Eve in 2014, having previously worked for UK Coal.
I act for Tarmac, Aggregate Industries, Breedon, British Gypsum, Ibstock, Infinis and Renewi.
Recent Projects
- Valuation – I provide advice and prepare valuations of mineral and waste assets throughout the UK, for clients such as quarries, waste transfer stations, brickworks, land and buildings for accounting, negotiation and loan security purposes.
- Rating – I provide a rates management service and rate mitigation advice to major mineral and waste operating companies including Tarmac, Aggregate Industries, Breedon, British Gypsum, Ibstock, Infinis and Renewi.
- Negotiation – I have experience in negotiating significant rates savings, mitigating empty rates liabilities, and providing budget advice and cost estimation for new buildings, plant and machinery in relation to properties within the mineral and waste sector and related industries.