I’m with our Planning and Development team based in Manchester. I provide strategic planning advice on a full range of development proposals to clients seeking to maximise development and investment opportunities whilst navigating an increasingly complex planning system.
I advise on a range of issues such as development in the Green Belt, impacts on heritage assets and land supply matters. I also have experience of promoting land for development through the Local Plan process, including appearing at Local Plan examination hearings.
I’ve advised a mix of clients, such as blue-chip house-builders and manufacturers, investors, developers and landowners.
Recent Projects
- Residential – I managed the preparation and submission of three linked planning applications totalling 850 dwellings, 15,000 sq m of offices and research & development floorspace, a local centre and new infrastructure on a strategic site in Runcorn. I’ve been retained to assist the client with delivery of the development including revised proposals, management of planning conditions and strategic advice on subsequent adjacent phases. My appointment also included making representations to the Council’s Local Plan.
- Mixed-Use – I advise a private joint venture on its strategic land holding which has planning permission to regenerate a former colliery and waste management site near Doncaster into a major mixed-use development over the next 15-20 years. The scheme includes a phased approach to delivering circa 3,100 homes, 2 million sq ft of employment floorspace, a new local centre, a marina and associated infrastructure. Gerald Eve has been appointed to manage the strategy for implementation of the planning permission including managing future applications.
- Due diligence and portfolio advice – I am retained by Rose Student Real Estate (part of Brookfield) to provide planning due diligence advice to inform the acquisition of existing assets or related to the forward funding of development sites. My advice also relates to asset management requirements including changes of use, advertisements, minor external works and general compliance with planning conditions.